Signal Processing

Getting Data Ready to Read
The CReSIS Signal and Data Processing Group researches new radar processing algorithms and designs, develops, and operates an open source radar processing pipeline for radar sounder data. The efforts of our group run the full gambit of the processing pipeline. Our research focuses on radar data collected over the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica and sea ice in the Arctic and Southern Oceans for sounding temperate glaciers, measuring land snow, and monitoring agricultural systems.
Our Team
John Paden and Jilu Li lead a team of graduate students in signal and data processing, radar system engineering, and radar imaging. Students in our group work on various aspects of these problems and techniques. Some students straddle the hardware and software worlds while others stay focused on strictly software aspects.

Signal Processing
Radar Calibration
All aspects of radar calibration (e.g. radiometric, antenna array, system impulse response) including support for routine measurements to ensure radar performance
Data ingest
Data ingest from a variety of radar systems (we are actively working on adding support for additional radar systems so please contact us if you are interested in a particular system)
Pulse Compression
Pulse compression and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) including a focus on layered media such as an ice sheet and related noise suppression techniques
Multipass processing
Multipass processing for differential InSAR (DInSAR) and SAR tomography.
Array processing techniques
Array processing techniques such as interferometric SAR (InSAR) and SAR tomography
Image Analysis
Image analysis using machine learning algorithms currently focused on layer and surface tracking in radar imagery
Scientific analysis of radar data
Scientific analysis of radar data and sensor fusion with radar data. Radar sounder systems that we have worked with range from 15 MHz to 38 GHz and scientific applications cover a range of natural phenomenon.
Data distribution
Data distribution including geospatial database, web server, and map server as well as tools to support data users
The Open Polar Server is a complete spatial data infrastructure run by CReSIS